Rylander Physiotherapy Centre & Windswept Physiotherapy 
             ~ Myofascial Release Treatment Centre ~
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 ~Contact Us~

Rylander Physiotherapy Centre 
~ Head Office ~ 

91 Rylander Blvd. Suite 204
Scarborough, Ontario M1B 5M5 
Tel: 416-284-8973
Fax: 416-284-9485

                                   (Port Union Rd., and Hwy 401)

Windswept Physiotherapy 
~ Myofascial Release Treatment Centre ~

7459 Concession 4 Road
Uxbridge, Ontario L9P 1R1
Tel: 416-284-8973 
Fax: 416-284-9485

                 (South of Davis Dr., and North of Bloomington Rd.)

Hours of Operation